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Why St. Rita is an Advent saint (Video)

Aleteia - published on 12/07/23

Just as the shepherds hoped for the messiah and were led to Him, St. Rita can teach us unwavering trust and hope in God. 

St. Rita is said to be the saint of desperate situations. That is because she is the saint who teaches us hope. As we prepare to relive the great dawn of new hope and the birth of the Savior of mankind at Christmas, we can discover how St. Rita is a sure help in times of need, and can teach us to have more hope and trust in God. 

Just as the shepherds hoped for the messiah and were led to Him, so Saint Rita can teach us unwavering trust and hope in God. 

Click here, and discover more by joining a novena and prepare Christmas with St. Rita on In good times and difficult times, Saint Rita is there for us!

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