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Novena for the Holy Souls: Day 6


Renata Sedmakova | Shutterstock

Kathleen N. Hattrup - published on 10/29/21

This hope does not disappoint

We have all gathered here today in hope. Each one of us, in his or her heart, can repeat Job’s words … “I know that my Redeemer lives, and at last he will stand upon the earth.” The hope of re-encountering God, of all of us meeting again, as brothers and sisters: and this hope does not disappoint. Paul’s expression … was powerful: “Hope does not disappoint.”

~Pope Francis, November 2, 2017


O Most Blessed Virgin Mary, my Mother, I turn to you in supplication and by that sword which pierced your sorrowful heart at beholding your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, suffer on the cross, I pray and ask thee to help the holy souls in Purgatory.

O Eternal Father through the most Precious Blood of Jesus and through the Sorrows of Mary have pity upon the holy souls in purgatory. Amen.

Novena for the Holy SoulsPurgatory
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